Bonita-March Species of the Month

Bonita is the OAPB's March Species of the Month. Members will receive double points on the Leaderboard for each Bonita submitted on the Fish Submittal toward the Captain and Angler of the Year award. The Captain and Angler will be traveling to Barbados.
Bonita, also called Atlantic Little Tunny, False Albacore and Little Tuna is a pelagic, schooling and migratory species.
It is most easily distinguished from similar species by its markings. It has a scattering of dark spots resembling fingerprints between the pectoral and ventral fins that are not present on any related Atlantic species. It also has wavy, “worm like” markings on the back. These markings are above the lateral line within a well marked border, and never extend farther forward than about the middle of the first dorsal fin. 

Fishing methods include trolling or casting from boats using small whole baits, strip baits, or small lures such as spoons, plugs, jigs, and feathers.
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