SLAYER GAUNTLET REGISTRATION VIEW SLAYER GAUNTLET RULES CLICK HERE OAPB CAPTAIN/TEAM REGISTRATION ONLY RM_StatsFIRST NAME *FIRST NAMELAST NAMELAST NAMEEmail *PHONE NUMBERPHONE NUMBERBOAT NAMEBOAT NAMEBOAT TYPEBOAT TYPEBOAT LENGTHBOAT LENGTHOAPB CLUB WAIVER *It is expressly understood that all participants in the OAPB Slayer Gauntlet enter at their own risk, and that the OAPB Fishing Club, any of our sponsors and other persons directly or indirectly connected with the operations of the event, shall be exempt from any liability for libel, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury or death suffered by any participant, entrant, sportfisherman, their companions, boat captains, mates, crew members, guests, vessels, and equipment which may occur during this contest. I agree to abide by all state and federal laws governing the harvesting of any fish by anyone on my vessel.OAPB CLUB WAIVERE-SIGNATURE *E-SIGNATURE Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu.