2020 OAPB Kingfish Tournament
Shout out to Michael Kraus, Marine Maintenance Managers, for the extremely fast and efficient service this past weekend. 🔥🔥🔥Who works on Thanksgiving weekend?? Met Mike a few times over the year, and bumped into him last week, and we started talking boats over a beer. Come to find out he is Suzuki certified🔥🔥😃 Connor picked the vessel up, and Marine Maintenance Managers with head mechanic Richard Aristigueta performed a full service, and had it back by dinner time!! Thank you guys!! A couple of our Tournament Chairs, Jason Edinger and Mark Reuwer just happened to be in my driveway having some beers🍻🍺!! And just like that, firm hand shake with Mike, and Marine Maintenance Managers picked up two more clients that need some engine work/maintenance!!👊👊
Mike, you and your crew rock!!!! Its all about quality service, communication, and face to face contact!!!
By the way Marine Maintenance Managers did we mention we are looking for a Marine Service Sponsor for the Offshore Anglers of Pompano Beach Fishing Club!!!😂😂🤣
Thank you Mark DiDario and Christian Wallace Johannsen for the intro a while back!!
Meat Wagon Takes First Place – 110.6 points!!!
OAPB team Meat Wagon, Captain Tom Jones heads out with members Matt Cappielo, Mike Coleman, and teams up with LHPSSA members Steve Seigel & Mike Price!!!
One thing that is great about this team is that members from both local clubs OAPB and LHPSSA are great friends, and proved to be unstoppable!!! Awesome job OAPB and LHPSSA
Tom was able to provide some great feedback on the day:
Started the day with lines in just outside the sea buoy in 70’ at Hillsboro Inlet fishing 6 lines on kites and 6 flat lines. We were surprised that no other tournament boats were around. Jumped off our first sail soon after which ate a kingfish jig/dine. This confirmed sails were around. Got our second sail bite on a gog in 150’ and a snake king on a jig about an hour later as we drifted SE. 1-2 on sails. Next drift produced huge Cuda and a gaffer mahi on a flatline pilchard and soon after a second sail on a gog. 2-3 on sails. Next drift we got a triple header mahi bite and stuck all three followed quickly by our third sail in 200’. Now 3-4. By now we had drifted well past the Commercial Pier the water was green and the bite slowed. Feeling good but knowing we needed at least another sail and some kings to seal it we decided to move back to the inlet late in the fishing day thinking we had time for two more drifts before lines out. The water at the sea buoy was ideal. Clean and bright blue. We set up in 50’ in the middle of the googan traffic coming and going from the inlet and soon had a sail boater drive right through our kite spread taking half our lines with him. After re rigging we had just enough time for one more drift and got our last sail which was a full grown bruiser. After chasing it and almost losing it at least 3 times we got the leader touch.
Great job guys!!! and we look forward to seeing you guys up on the board for the OAPB Sailfish Tournament in February!!!
Kaluz Social
On the second Monday of every month, OAPB Fishing Club members, friends, and families come together in the lounge of Kaluz Restaurant for our social. OAPB Fishing Club provides all the appetizers, and provides a platform for sponsors and members/potential members to mingle. Variety of topics come up in conversations ranging from what is biting, to very precise questions on products that sponsors provide to the club. Come out this Monday from 5-9pm to the Kaluz Lounge. Plenty of dock space to come by boat, and our members will be there to help you tie up. Beautiful local restaurant, awesome food, great people, and informative conversations. See you there!!!